紅燒蹄膀 Braised Pork Hock in Brown Sauce

材料 Ingredients
去骨蹄膀 Bonless Pork Hock 1 個 each
炸油 Cooking oil for fry4 杯 cup
醬油 Soy sauce1 大匙 Tbs
紅燒醬汁 Brown sauce 3 份 portion
水 Water2 杯 cup

2.將紅燒醬汁準備好, 配方中的糖用冰糖替代。
4.將蹄膀﹐紅燒醬汁和2杯水放進鍋裡燒滾。火關成小火後加蓋燜煮到蹄膀變爛﹐大約1個小時。煮的當中要將蹄膀翻面幾次。你也可以將蹄膀放進電鍋裡煮 - 外鍋墊蒸盤加 2 杯水。開關跳起來後燜15分鐘。肉翻面﹐外鍋加2杯水再煮一次後再燜 15 分鐘。

1.Wash the pork hock. Remove any remaining hair. Dry the pork hock with a paper towel. Rub 1 tbs of soy sauce on the skin.
2.Prepare the Brown Sauce. Substitute the Sugar in the recipe with Crystal Sugar.
3.Heat 4 cups of oil to 375°F (190°C). Add the pork hock with skin-side down and deep fry until the skin is wrinkled (approx 3 minutes).
4.Place the pork hock, brown sauce and 2 cups of water in a pot. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 1 hour or until the meat is tender. Turn the pork hock several times while cooking. You can also cook the pork hock in a rice cooker by following the instructions listed on the rice cooker.
5.Transfer the pork hock and sauce to a wok. Turn the heat to high and cook until the sauce is thick and shiny. Constantly pour the sauce over the pork hock while cooking.

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